Our unconscious mind comprises three and a half years billion of genetic inheritance, the subconscious mind of around 350 million years, and the conscious mind only 200 thousand years of human experience to 200 million years of mammalian life. The dominance over the conscious by the unconscious and the subconscious puts our life on autopilot. Life on autopilot is run primarily run by our subcortical brain stem and limbic structures hijacking the thinking prefrontal cortex which can’t help but look on idly by.
The way it happens is through the random bubbling up of the unconscious genetic memory of the past three and a half billion years into our conscious mind incessantly distracting it and preventing it from focused thought. These mental oscillations keep our bodies ready to jump into action to do their bidding. Like in fight or flight tendencies to avoid death from predators, our autonomic nervous system is kept perpetually in the state of sympathetic dominance. This sympathetic dominance characterizes our human condition and lies at the root of all intractable problems faced by humanity today.
Mental oscillations that we all experience uninterruptedly are nothing but random bubbling up into our consciousness of the unconscious genetic memory of life experiences of our evolutionary predecessors during the last 3.4 billion years. SILENCING THEM IS LIFE-CHANGING. IT CHANGES THE WAY OUR GENES EXPRESS THEMSELVES. |