
By applying the wisdom of the scripture, we can address the grave and intractable problems that humanity currently faces. Their intractability can be traced to the unconscious faculty of the human mind which dominates over the conscious. The unconscious is named as such because we are unaware of its activities. Because of our lack of awareness of the activities of the unconscious mind, we cannot exercise any direct control over them.

We will take a look at why world peace and harmony et al are proving to be so elusive that we customarily dismiss them as utopian pipe dreams. The fact that we lack them does not mean that they are unattainable.

We may not have direct control over our unconscious mind, but the scripture rightly informs us that we can certainly exercise indirect control over it provided we make some conscious physical and mental effort. Because life without this effort is convenient though potentially problematic, most of us choose not to make the effort preferring to live with potential problems. That is the nature of the human condition.

 This site is about the effort which we have to make to avoid living with future problems.  We think that they are attainable and our hope is that with the knowledge and understanding of why they elude us, it will be easier to chart a way in which humans can travel to attain them.

The problem of peace and harmony is the mother of all other problems. The solution to the problem of peace and harmony includes the solution for the other problem also. They are all related.